Ok, What way could I explain this racist comentary and try not to be bloody?
This guy is Ted´s father (Rafael Cruz) and is a reference in the life of his son Ted Cruz.
Rafael Cruz recently said in Texas that "Obama have to come back to Kenia" and "If we do not take this country back in this election, there's a very strong possibility that this country will be destroyed by Barack Obama in the next four years," he said.
First I want to analyze the curious situation of this man. He is an inmigrant, he came from Cuba, he didn´t know any english word when he came but he is a fervient believer and pro- tea party (that includes to be against from inmigration).
How this guy finish with this thinkings?. Maybe to live in his teens in Cuba that is in the opposite way (politically speaking ) made him a narrow-minded?. I´m sure that this syndrome have a name in psycoterapy.
By other hand, Barack Obama can "destroy USA in four years with Obamacare?" This men have to be seen a lot of apocalyptic films...
I think that France, Spain, China, Japón are a good example: "how to have a good social and public health care and not die trying". Is easy, because you will not be the first in trying... you only have to observe other countries, ask and adapt whatever thing that can do more civilized and avanced your country.
The purpose of man is investigate, to be curious, try to change to better your life, to be more civilized (for that we go foward from prehistory to modern age)... that way we got to investigate the universe, to discover penicillin, to know what is a gene and how works , to know that the Earth goes around the Sun and not the opposite... all in this life have always riks but sometimes the benefits are more important that the possible risks.
The extrems are always bad... we can see a lot of examples in Germany, Spain, Cuba, China, Russia, Italy, and normally, when the mind is centered and not extrem, the society go foward and all works better.